Mozzarella Sticks

image (1)I feel guilty because I haven’t posted in awhile. Yes, there have been times when it’s taken me over a week to post, but usually it’s because I’m working on something and I have a recipe waiting in the wings.

Recently, I’ve had nothing! I’m in an inspirational drought. I don’t know what I want to cook next. My excuses are first, that I’m obsessed with the Momofuku Milk Bar cookbook, but I don’t want to just post a thousand cookie recipes from one book. And second, being a real working person is getting to me. Oh, I still cook throughout the week – but I’m trying to hone my 3-4 best after-work-doesn’t-take-that-long-meals. And when I do get those down, I’ll be sure to share. But I haven’t been making anything I find truly exciting. Continue reading

Cauliflower Gratin

image (64)I impulse bought a purple cauliflower from the farmer’s market. But look at it! It’s awesome. How could I not buy it?! The guy at the farm stand said that it didn’t taste too much different from regular cauliflower, and as far as we could tell it didn’t. But it was a really fun new veggie to try.

This year Ryan and I decided not participate in a CSA (community supported agriculture). Partially it was because we remembered too late to sign up. But we also had a lot of waste last year. We’d get a huge bag full of beautiful vegetables and we just couldn’t eat everything before the next bag and before things went bad. The thing I miss about a CSA is getting veggies I’ve never seen before. Without a CSA I never would have tried kohlrabi, garlic scapes, or rainbow chard. So I promised myself that instead of a CSA, when I go to the farmer’s market I’d try to push myself out of my comfort zone. Enter, purple cauliflower. It’s just so darn pretty! Continue reading